Police Station Network Firewall

Network appliance for implementation of an open source software firewall
The old firewall at the police station, based on proprietary software and hardware, was ready for an upgrade. With the ever-increasing volume of data traffic, they needed a solution that would see them through the next few years and allow for expansion and upgrades in the future. There’s a lot of attention on uCPE and its provision of high flexibility on commercial off-theshelf hardware with a generic operating system and open source software. They were looking to leverage this technology to lower both their overall capital expenditure and operating expenses, but perhaps even more importantly were interested in the flexibility of managing the related VNFs with readily available open source software.
The PUZZLE range of networking appliances is designed exactly for this, with several hardware options to cater to specific applications that require more or even less computing power, therefore customizing the hardware specifically for the job. This case study takes a closer look at our client’s specific requirements and how we helped them determine the optimal solution.